Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tom Cruise is a real life hero !

I make my alive celebrities of interview, thus me 'm not the person who obtains usually struck star. But recently, I found that there is an exception to my rule: Tom Cruise. I 'tom interviewed by VE much of time and him 's always charming, polished and amusing.

But this time I on a occasion to speak in Tom not just like a producer, but as a wife and a mother. It was a conversation I will never forget, an experiment I will like for always and one my entirety family will be eternally grateful for.

Behind in September, I wrote about my family 'experiment of S on 9/11. I wrote about terror to hold my four months old baby in my arms and observation of the platform of our house while the 2nd plane broke in the tower of the south just only one thousand from us.

I wrote about the way in which my husband, Dave, a cameraman of news, covered the tragedy when the first tower crumbled. It came far with part of the length of news of cooling of this day and almost lost its life in the process.

We know lucky were that Dave went far this morning when so many others died. But as so many families which liked exposed to dust and smoke poisons of 9/11 -- we realized that the didn of danger 'end of T when the remains were released.

The rescuers and the people like Dave, that months exhausted on the place covering the tragedy, were exposed to dangerous toxins. Now, the years afterwards, thus several of these people suffer from a series of evils which are a direct result of breathing in this dangerous air.

That 's where Tom Cruise enters. Tom is a defender and a silent partner enormous of the rescuer of NY 'of the program of Detox of S. the program offers 30 days a free detox to those affected by 9/11, including recently -- my husband, Dave.

We had heard stories about the way in which the detox functioned to remove the body from these dangerous chemicals, but the didn 't can really what make of him until the Dave day invited to indicate to me that while he sat down in the sauna, the towel draped through its blue, yellow and black turned body -- a result of heavy metals and toxins which it had introduced on 9/11.

In the most insane coincidence never, I was programmed for interviewing Tom Cruise whom the day after Dave finished the detox. While we cause before our interview started, I mentioned in Tom that Dave had just finished the program. It didn 'matter of T which he had of the dozen waiting of interviews -- the line then and there, Tom Cruise the superstar carried to a bench postpones in Tom Cruise the husband, the father and the humanitarian.

It remained with me and questioned me about Dave -- what arrived at him, how it were feeling and what it thought of the program. He wanted to know all. This actor did not act concerned -- he was concerned. Instead of him to put questions about Katie and Suri, I was Tom of answer 'questions of S about my own family.

We finally we are broken far and it was my turn to put the questions -- this time about new Tom ', of film of S Valkyrie. We spoke about film, and it mentioned how it grateful it is for its family -- his/her three marvellous children and his beautiful wife, Katie. Like our wrapped interview, Tom Cruise put her arms around me and treint has me. Thank you. It said. Thank you to say to me about your family.

Support when Tom helped to bring the detox to NY several years ago, there were concern and questions about the program. Now, six years afterwards, more than 900 rescuers were helped, including my husband. The results and the support of the community of rescuer were amazing.

So many people know Tom Cruise as a film star, the hero of action and nobody who saves always the day on the big screen. But it seems need for doesn 'of T of Tom a manuscript to save the day. He 's doing it each day. By its generosity and concern for those affected by 9/11 -- Tom Cruise is a daily hero with so many families, including my clean.

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